18/06/2012 – Monday – Poetry

Today I made a video about poetry for my GeorgeTown channel. I quote both Wordsworth and Molesworth, and discuss in particular the poetry of Arlene Corwin. She has recently published her seventh collection of poems, and this one is about music, broadly speaking. Here’s the video, to begin with:

It’s an intriguing collection for a number of reasons. It spans both time and style. Some of the poems date back decades, and although jazz is Arlene’s main tipple (discussions of Charlie Parker, Tony Fruscella and Michel Petrucciani are among the highlights) show-tunes and classical music are also among the subjects incisively dissected.

The style is refreshing. Never too formulaic, Arlene writes in half-lines with beat rhymes driving the meter rather than the other way around. It’s very raw, very honest and very pleasing to read.

It’s a joy most of all, though, because it’s so introspective and honest. It’s pretty rare to see into the true soul of an artist or a musician, especially when the analysis comes straight from the horse’s mouth. But Arlene is fearless in her self-assessment, finding and caressing a personal flaw in every other poem, talking herself into and out of neat little insights about what it is to be a musician, a poet and a person.

I’m not mucking around here – it really is great stuff – so check some of her work out. Click here or here or here.

15/06/2012 – Friday – Sleep

I saw my friend Alys today. She was fun. She’s the one who runs the brilliant theatre company I was talking about last week. Check them out here. We talked about what it is to be a person, and also about squirrels. As well as that I did a bunch of work on some boring things that you don’t want to hear about, and watched the football. I didn’t get anywhere near enough sleep last night though, so I’m going to have to catch up now by falling asleep mid-sent…

14/06/2012 – Thursday – Percussion

I enjoyed playing around with percussion today – I’m finishing off the track I started yesterday. I have a big bag full of stupid objects which make noises, and today I used lots of them. Everything from shakey-shakey eggs to a foamy promotional stress-ball hard-hat I got at a job fair once. I also used the sofa, and a tennis racket. And a little plastic pair of smiley-faced castanets I won in a Christmas cracker.

I don’t know if any big-wigs at Warner Music or Universal or Sony are reading this, but if you are, I’m having more fun than you. You’re welcome to pop over and join in some time.

Next, I looked at a few of the video responses we’ve had from the competition thing we’re doing. Here are two I like:



13/06/2012 – Wednesday – The Grand Slambovians

I went to a gig tonight. I was supposed to go and see Alan Price, the Hammond organ player from the Animals, but is gig was cancelled so I went to see The Grand Slambovians instead. I had never heard of them before, but they were pretty cool. A bit shambolic, but good.

Now to sleep, because I have to be up early tomorrow to finish the work I didn’t get finished today. It was one of those days when you work really hard but everything just takes too long. So I’ll carry on in the a.m.

12/06/2012 – Tuesday – Messing With Other People’s Work

Today wasn’t as boring as I predicted yesterday, although I had a bunch of things all day distracting me from doing any work. Things like dog-walking, lunch-getting, guitar-string-buying and so forth made it hard to connect two thoughts, but I still got a march on a song I’m arranging, amongst other things. Recording tomorrow. It’s not for me – I’m recording a demo for another artist to work from – but I enjoy that just as much. You can look at things from a more objective viewpoint, and make bolder decisions. It’s easy to be precious and tentative about your own work, but when you’re working on something for someone else it’s much easier to say yes to zany ideas.

We’ve got a special day going on tomorrow. It’s called ‘introduce a friend’ day, I have just decided right now. The Imogen Records facebook page is going to be crammed full of cool stuff from cool artists over the summer, and we’d love to get some more likes, so more people can enjoy it. We’d like each of you to pick one or more of your facebook friends to introduce to Imogen Records. Send them a message, show them some videos, and most of all, invite them to ‘like’ our facebook page. We have 108 ‘likes’ at the moment. If we have 125 or more by the end of the day tomorrow I will upload an exclusive, never-before-released special-super-surprise track as a thank you and welcomey-type thing. Is that a good deal or what? (clue: yes)

Spread the word. See you tomorrow people!

11/06/2012 – Monday – Pie Videos

It was a busy and unusual day today revolving around pie. I’ve decided on a schedule for my absurd GeorgeTown videos. From now on you can expect at the very least a new video every Monday night. I might be doing more videos throughout the week, but if you go to the GeorgeTown channel on a Monday night you’ll get something new and silly to watch. Starting with this one today:

I’m excited about what we’ve got coming up music-wise as well. I mentioned Jordan Shaw last week, and the more I listen to the song we worked on together last week the more I think ya gonna love it! Benji Smedz has a new video on the way, and I’m recording again on Wednesday (which is the bestest). Tomorrow, however, is going to be boring. I can just feel it. I have a fifth sense about these things. Just you wait and see. Come back tomorrow and just see if I’m not right.

08/06/2012 – Friday – Real Work

So, the music video… Both Katy and I were lucky enough to be guests on the set of Harry Briggs’s I Can’t Believe music video, Katy as an actor. The director, editor and general genius behind the video George O’Regan has made an unbelievably good job of turning it around quickly, and you can see it here.

I did some recording and production work today, which is almost like a proper job. I felt… well, not grown-up, but at least hard-working. Then it was more hard work on some plans for future videos and things. This stuff doesn’t just happen you know…! Actually sometimes it does. Some of the best things I’ve ever done rather more just happened to me than anything else. There’s a lesson in there somewhere.

07/06/2012 – Thursday – National Gallery Music Video

So shattered tonight that you’re not going to get much sense out of me (not that you usually do or anything… just saying). I will just say that I played all of the songs I mentioned on Tuesday tonight at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Big, big, big fun. I also ate a sandwich.

Big old shout out to Harry Bri Bro Briggs and George O’Regan who were both good fun today. Good work guys, and looking forward to seeing the finished product – I was on their video shoot today, for anyone who doesn’t know (which is presumably everyone else). See. Nonsense. I told you. I’m going to bed. xx

06/06/2012 – Wednesday – Jordan ‘JayDawg’ Shaw

I spent the day with my sister Katy (aka Reece – http://www.youtube.com/user/JJandReece) and our thoroughly talented new artist Jordan Shaw – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jordan-Shaw/130494123753978. We made some ‘online presence’ happen, made an excellent start on a massively swaggy new song (Jordan’s words, not mine) and took some photos too. Busy busy. We’ve got big ideas for Jordan though – he’s a genuine musician who plays his own instruments and writes his own stuff, and we hope he’ll be involved in some exciting collaborations with our other artists alongside his own work.

Jordan Shaw

Tomorrow a couple of cool things are going on. My gig-which-isn’t-a-gig at the National Gallery, which I mentioned yesterday or something, and also Katy and I are visiting the set of someone else’s music video, which will make a nice change. More info anon.

05/06/2012 – Tuesday – Jubilee Rehearsing

I spent all of today (apart from the brief few minutes I spent outside in the rain at a street party) rehearsing songs for my gig at the National Gallery on Thursday. I may be playing some, all or none of the following:

Here’s the facebook event page – http://www.facebook.com/events/249098748523528/ – Everyone’s notionally invited, but it’s not a proper concert or anything, so don’t get your hopes up. It’s more of a sit down, have a drink and some scones, enjoy piano music whilst eating dinner kind of thing. More or less my favourite thing to do.

04/06/2012 – Monday – Call For Videos and Viscera Theatre Co.

Imogen Records is looking for talent. Take a look at this video if you don’t believe me:

Until the end of this month we’re inviting video submissions. We’re looking for audition videos in which you play one song (original or cover) live. We’ll go through all the submissions at the end of the month and if we like yours we’ll be in touch and you could be taking a big step towards your dreams. So please, make a video response if you are a solo artist or if you are in a band or group. We’re open to all styles – literally anything. Even if you’re not a musician yourself, please share the video round on your facebook or whatever (here’s the url – [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT7TM_eKZVc]). We want as many submissions as possible, and a friend of a friend might really appreciate the opportunity. You never know!

Next, let me tell you what I’ve been up to this evening. If I said I’d spent two hours in a dark damp tunnel under a train line during which time a man threw some orange peel at me and another man tied up a girl he’d only just met with a skipping rope, you’d probably think you were pretty glad you weren’t there. But you can unclench and take your finger off the panic alarm. A friend of mine, Alys Metcalf, runs a theatre company, Viscera Theatre Co., which celebrated the opening night of its inaugural production tonight, a collection of five short original plays performed in the Old Vic Tunnels under Waterloo Station.

In all honesty, and with the greatest of respect to my old pal, I was expecting to leave the production unmentioned in this blog. It’s such a huge thing she and her partner Roxy Dunn have undertaken – starting a theatre company straight out of drama school and in this economic climate – and even though I know how talented, hard-working and capable Alys is I can’t honestly say I was confident that it would be good. I was half-expecting to have to invoke the ‘if you can’t say anything nice’ rule if I am to be truly candid.

Turns out it was brilliant though, and I am an idiot for worrying. The writing was strong, the performances from a diverse and energised cast ranged from very good to truly outstanding and the staging was both efficient and effective. It was an excellent, highly polished production from a company who frankly could have been forgiven for putting on something half as good. I strongly urge you to take your opportunity to see it if you’re in London this week – the show runs until Friday. It’s an extremely unusual night out and a rare chance to see theatre of a genuinely high standard. Here’s some links and things:





02/06/2012 – Saturday – It Don’t Matter To Me

So the wait is over – my brand new single and music video, It Don’t Matter To Me, is out now. The video was directed by my very talented sister Katy, and came out a treat. Check it out here, and please copy-paste the link to your facebook or anywhere else you want to put it [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98IY0GFXSKQ] to help spread the good word.

I also think this is the coolest thumbnail YouTube has ever given us. Thanks guys.

You can download the single for just $0.99 by following this link.

In other news, my career as a serious musical educator began with a bang last night, when I uploaded the following video to my GeorgeTown channel:

If you found that video helpful, please send a cheque to Room 4, Sunnyview Institute for the Criminally Insane, Wigan. I’ll spend it on fruit.

We also uploaded our June newsletter yesterday, so check that out as well if you are cool enough. Here’s the link.

Grosses bises to you all.

31/05/2012 – Thursday – Video Benji

I saw the finished edit of my new music video for the first time today. It’s coming out on Saturday, and I seriously couldn’t be more exciterrred if I tried. We did a pretty extreme colour-balancing job on it and its come out with this lovely filmic quality. I can’t wait to hear what you all think. So look for it Saturday by midday UK time.

In the meantime there’s a totally stupid promo which has almost nothing to do with the song or the video:

I also forgot to mention on Tuesday (yes I’ll get round to telling you what I did yesterday in a minute) that the last in our series of Tring Sessions videos has been uploaded. Check it out here, or enjoy the playlist of the whole series.

So (thanks for waiting) yesterday I went to Nottingham to have lunch with Benji Smedz and talk contracts. I’m delighted to announce that Benji is now a fully-fledged Imogen Records recording artist, having signed a deal with us which gives him full use of our recording facilities, our songwriting and production team, our kazoo and our complete DVD collection of Rumpole of the Bailey. Lucky guy. Look out for his new tunes soon.

29/05/2012 – Tuesday – Day Off In London

Yeah, ok. So I know I didn’t write yesterday. I had a day off (shock horror) and went to London with my bezzie Karen. We saw Degas, Manet, Renoir, Pissarro and Monet at the Courtauld Gallery, then met up with our friend Carey and went to the National Gallery where I played piano in the café before we went upstairs for Van Gogh, Cezanne, Holbein, Matsys and more Monet (my biggest ever favourite of anything ever).

In the evening we went to a tiny room above a pub in Leicester Square and saw about a dozen comedians trying out new material for their shows this coming weekend, including Andi Osho and Magnus Betnér. And Paul Chowdhry, who crossed off nearly every joke on his bit of paper in disgust but was hilarious nonetheless.

So an awesome day, and not entirely un-work-related because, as anyone who has spoken to me after midnight before will know, I take aesthetics very seriously indeed. For me there’s no qualitative distinction between the value to be found in the paintings of Claude-Oscar Monet and that in the music of Justin Bieber. We can argue all day and night about whether there is a quantitative distinction, but essentially all artists are striving for the same thing – beauty (in whatever form it appeals). An opportunity to sharpen my aesthetic senses is something I always relish, whether my whetstone be opera, sculpture, stand-up or a pair of shoes.

Speaking of Justin Bieber, I hope you’ve all seen my video from this weekend. If you haven’t here it is:

…in my opinion it’s worth watching if only for the kazoo-playing clone of me at the end. I’m very keen to hear what people think of it, so please leave comments on YouTube or send me messages or comments on facebook or whatever.

The only other thing to say is “NEW SINGLE COMING SATURDAY”. That is – my new single, It Don’t Matter To Me, hits the shelves (virtual shelves) this coming Saturday – the 2nd of June. Look out for the music video on the Imogen Records YouTube Channel Saturday morning. That is all. George out.

26/05/2012 – Friday – On Set

I’m sorry. I’m late again. I know. I have such a good excuse though. I am late writing tonight because I have been out on the set of my forthcoming music video. I’ve made lots of music videos before, but never for one of my own songs, so it’s very exciting. It was also madness though, and very exhausting, because it’s all time-sensitive golden hour stuff with sunsets and dusky whatever, so we all had to be on top of everything the whole time with a list of what shots needed doing where and when, and with what props and which cameras and which lights, otherwise the light would have gone and it would have been a disaster. It was also really hot and I had to do lots of running. I think we got all our shots though. We will see when we get the footage into editing tomorrow, and you will see when the thing comes out next Saturday.

As for this Saturday (e.g. tomorrow), you’re in for such a treat. Something very special came out of the editing suite today ready for release tomorrow. I won’t spoil the surprise, but ya gonna love it. As I explained to a friend earlier today, it’s as mad as a box of frogs. But in a good way. I think.

24/05/2012 – Thursday – Three Georges

Only a brief note tonight, firstly to say that I made three of myself today – tune in on Saturday unless the very thought of multiple Georges makes you nauseous.

The only other thing I want to say tonight is that everyone should hang out with wonderful people all the time. It’s the best.

Come back tomorrow for a little more sense. Possibly.

23/05/2012 – Wednesday – Cool Hot Day

I had such a mad good day today, despite being stuck inside in the best weather ever. I’ve been recording a certain something for a particularly special Saturday (it being the last one before my new single comes out on the 2nd of June). I won’t spoil the surprise by telling you what it is, but it’s been crazy and different and lots of fun. One bit in particular was very tricky – a guitar part – and I thought I’d never get it down, but in the end things always come good. Actually that’s a lie. They quite often don’t come good, and either you have to try again another day or write it off as a bad job. But that didn’t happen today. Hooray!

Oh, good news. We’ve finally reached 100 likes on the Imogen Records facebook page, which is one of those great milestones which don’t sound like very much but are important because if you don’t pass them you can’t move on to bigger numbers. Congratulations to Shona for being the 100th ‘liker’. Who will be the 1000th I wonder…?

We’ve uploaded a bunch of old videos and stuff to the facebook page in case you haven’t seen them before, or just want to reminisce. Check it all out, then invite your friends!

Finally, I just wanted to post this video one more time in case you missed it. It’s my new-song-Saturday song from last Saturday, and the more I hear it the more I wish I could spend my whole life sitting in the corner of a church playing nonsense to myself. Actually that would get depressing after a while, but you get my point. Here it is:

p.s. I will be late posting tomorrow because I’m in London until quite late and I don’t trust the trains. That is all. xx

22/05/2012 – Tuesday – Sarah-Jane’s Tring Session

It was a closely themed day today. I have been working very hard on the album I’m producing for Sarah-Jane Adlington – adding bass parts and a little percussion and stuff – and it’s starting to come together really nicely. Sarah-Jane’s Tring Sessions video went up today as well – see it here if you haven’t already:

I really love this video for a couple of reasons. First of all, I think it looks lovely. The setting is great and the Deans Production guys have done a great job making it look just gritty enough without ruining the form of the thing. Secondly, the way things sound under that bridge is just amazing – the sounds just bounce around like mad and come back at all different times. Sometimes the oddest places are the most wonderful for music.

Finally I love this video because Sarah-Jane’s performance is pointed and intense and real – her vocal is ethereal and smooth and sweet, and the song resonates from note one. Please do pass this around to your friends on facebook and things. I’d love to see the views go through the roof for good old S-J (we go waaay back).

Tomorrow I’m recording again. Really excited. Wednesday has become my favourite day of the week.

21/05/2012 – Monday – Shoelace Challenge etc.

Welcome back from the longest weekend ever. At least it’s felt long to me. I’m starting to get really used to chatting to you every day, so I miss it at the weekend.

I learned more about shoelaces today than I ever wanted to know. I made another ridiculous video for my GeorgeTown channel, which you can find here. It features gummy sweets, the dog barking, a montage and yes… shoelaces.

I also mention loads of stuff at the end which I want everyone to be aware of. To make double sure I will mention it here as well. Firstly, the next in the series of Tring Sessions videos will be going up tomorrow (5pm UK time). It features Sarah-Jane Adlington and it looks beautiful – so don’t miss it. Also on the horizon is my new single, which has a proper music video and everything. That’s coming on Saturday the 2nd of June. In the meantime, I have been uploading (and will continue to upload) something every Saturday. This weekend it was a spiritual-type improvisation thingy:

Who knows what next Saturday will bring…? Actually I do, more or less, but it’s a secret.

Finally, please don’t forget you can go to our Imogen Records Store and support what we’re doing by buying yourself some music or a t-shirt or something. I don’t recommend the clothing to those outside the US, because it’s made in New Jersey or somewhere and the delivery is pretty expensive, but do please download yourself a copy of the 2011 Imogen Records compilation. It has lots of previously unreleased demos and things as well as some of our favourite tracks. Then get on facebook or whatever and tell us what you think!

18/05/2012 – Friday – Nefarious Computers

My day was characterised today by things pretending to work and then turning around and laughing at me because they were only joking all along. My recording console, for example, was busy at work transferring some data from one place to another (the music industry is super-glamorous in case you were wondering) while I was doing something else. When I finished, I went over to see how the console was getting on, and it told me with (I imagine) a mischievous smile on its little digital face, that it had run out of space on its hard drive about four minutes after I pressed go. “Super-lol” it was thinking, “I’ve made you look a right mug now!” Well… Touché sir. Touché.

I’ll get it back though. I’ve spent about an hour this evening making loads of space on its hard drive so it can’t play any more jokes on me for at least a week. That will show it.

In other news, new GeorgeTown video today. It’s a silly one. Don’t watch if you are impressionable or stupid. Actually do. It might be fun. I certainly enjoyed filming it. Please pass it on to your friends. Everyone needs to know what I think about when I’m sitting in trees. It’s a fact which is sad but true. Bises.

17/05/2012 – Thursday – Where’s Thursday?

I don’t know what has happened to today. It’s already nearly sleepy-time and I’ve barely woken up yet. I did some filming for GeorgeTown, fed the dog and then all of a sudden it’s getting dark and I’m falling asleep. Crazy.

I did spend a couple of hours out buying stuff – including a cool little portable Zoom stereo recorder thing for better sound in our live music-type videos. That’s gonna be fun. I will have to wait for my Da to get bored of making audiobooks before I can use it though.

I think I’m hung over from my recording session yesterday. When I’m in the studio I don’t realise how hard I’m working until I stop, and then I just go flop. And pop. And I drop. I will probably be right as rain tomorrow, but tonight I’m barely even awake – I’m trying to type with one eye closed, just to save energy. It’s going well I think.

16/05/2012 – Wednesday – Recording and Mayonnaise

I crossed another day off in the diary for recording today, and another new song has forced its way out. Look out for it soon. It’s called It Don’t Matter To Me, but I think I will refer to it as ‘The Awesome Grammar Song’. Taking inspiration from the nutters who ran the studios at Motown in the late 60s, I made myself sing in a really uncomfortable key just to see what would happen. It was way fun.

So that’s on its way soonish.

In other news, my sister and her friend JJ have a vlog channel thing on YouTube a bit like mine only funnier and better thought out. Their new video came out today and is worth a look if you like stupid challenges, general misbehaviour or mayonnaise. Leave them a comment, or better still subscribe. They’ll be very excited. Just don’t tell them I sent you. I am a secret benefactor, like that bloke in Great Expectations whose name I can’t remember or be bothered to look up.

Finally, thanks for sharing yesterday’s Tring Sessions video around. It’s racked up more views in its first day than any other Tring Sessions video to date. Exactly what I was talking about yesterday, so thanks a million and biggos kudos to you-os.

15/05/2012 – Tuesday – Front Page Ideas

Not an awful lot of news today I’m afraid. Sorry to disappoint. But things have been ticking away nicely. There’s certainly no bad news, which is a good thing. The fact that there’s no bad news is a good piece of news. I’m always amazed that the newspapers manage to fill sixty pages or whatever every day. I wish just once, one of them would have a banner headline on the front page saying, “Not a lot on today really… to be honest… Uuumm…?” Preferably the Guardian.

Now, there actually is a bit of news, which is that the video I recorded with my sister for Tring Sessions last week went up on YouTube today. Here it is, in case you haven’t seen it yet:

There’ll be a new Tring Sessions video every Tuesday for the next two weeks at least, so keep your eyes peeled. And keep your tongues wagging too. It would be lovely if each one got a few more views than the last.

14/05/2012 – Monday – Quick Song Fail

I tried to write a song in under an hour today. It went not at all well. After an hour and fifteen minutes I had a bunch of lyrics and a more or less coherent chord pattern, but it was all soggy and heavy and nasty and I couldn’t remember if there was any melody to any of it. The idea was to film it and show you the process, but it was waaay too stressful. I started off messing around in D major, then after twenty minutes gave up and started again in A flat major (what was I thinking!?). I suppose you could call what I wrote a song, but it’s faaaar from finished. I think I will try again next week, but for now I need to relax.

So, I had a broadly positive response to my new song at the weekend. Thanks once again to everyone who shared it on their walls and stuff. It really means a lot because without you and your support I’m just talking to myself. So enjoy your free mp3s. Someone told me they were going to use theirs as a ringtone. That made me happy. Here’s the video once again in case you missed it.

My GeorgeTown vlog also seems to be meeting with some approval – that is to say no-one has asked me to stop for the good of humankind yet. I edited a new video today, and will be uploading it… tonight most likely. Then there’s the new Tring Sessions video to look forward to tomorrow afternoon. 5pm I think. If you like bluebells, you’re in for a treat.

12/05/2012 – Saturday – Pizza Secrets

The release of my new song went almost well today. There was a bit of amusing backing and forthing with the video uploader on YouTube, but it’s up there now and has nearly reached my target of three million views for the first day. Well… sort of nearly.

Secondly, I made another stupid video for my GeorgeTown vlog channel today. In it I try out an amusing contraption which doesn’t really work properly, and I reveal the inside secrets of one of Britain’s best rock guitarists (i.e. what he had for lunch yesterday).

Apart from that, the news today is simply that it’s the lovely old weekend, and while I’m not supposed to be writing today (see last week’s entries) I’m just having such a great time that I want to tell you about it. It’s been terrific this week to be busy making music and videos again, and it’s also been brilliant to get a chance to talk to some of you guys more. Keep buzzing me with comments, stupid questions, requests and general love-i-tude. Speak to you on Monday every-jolly-body.

11/05/2012 – Friday – Lunching With The Stars

I had lunch with Jon James from the band My Preserver today. It was great fun, really interesting and most of all lots of help. They have a new single and a music video coming out soon, and lots of cool stuff planned for the summer and beyond. We’re talking about what we can do to help each other out, and I certainly hope that will involve some cool informal Tring Sessions type videos and things. At the very least, you’ll be hearing about some of their news here, because it’s all very exciting. If you’ve not heard their stuff already, check this out:

Speaking of Tring Sessions, there’s a new one coming on Tuesday. Here’s the promo:

Please do share it on your facebook. Copy and paste this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5MTCG8VuA4&feature=youtu.be – and we’ll be eternally grateful.

And even sooner than that, my new song and video will be out tomorrow at midday British Summer Time. I will be giving a free download of the mp3 to everyone who shares the video on facebook, so please copy the link on to your timeline, or click ‘share’ on mine. It’s the only way to get the song – I’m not releasing it for sale anywhere – so go mad and share it everywhere. Then tell me you have, because I might miss it.

Finally, this is the new thing I was talking about last night:


I’m gonna be doing some video blogging from now on, about this and that. So watch, enjoy and tell me what you think. I thrive on your remarks, fatuous or otherwise.

10/05/2012 – Thursday – Vitriolic Bucolic

Hi all (i.e. everybody – when I say ‘all’, I am referring to all people, as opposed to the entirety of any other class of entity). Sorry I’m so late tonight. I have been doing some newish different things today, and almost forgot to do the old things. Even though these things aren’t so old. My brain is old. 23 years old. If you left a ham to its own devices for 23 years it would be bad at remembering things too – maybe even worse than my brain. So I guess I’m doing ok.

So, it’s only two days until the release of my new song. Please get excited. Whatever you do, don’t be indifferent. Are you indifferent? If so, please let me know and I’ll try harder. If not, please show your difference by posting the video ’pon your facebook when it comes out on Saturday. You can even post the preview video today if you’re really different (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1SpLkA2qFo).

“What newish different things George…?” I hear you ask. Well, sometimes in life, my dear little ones… you have to zip it and just wait and see. That’s a lesson right there. You’re welcome. News on that topic tomorrow. Until then, enjoy yourselves.

09/05/2012 – Wednesday – Happy Birthday, Have Some Maggots!

Today is my mother’s birthday, but she was at work all day, so we only got to see her for a brief dinner this evening. I think I mentioned her a few entries ago. She is loverly. We bought her a box of dried maggots. That’s not as horrible as it sounds, because we also bought her a big bird-feeder contraption thing for her garden. Apparently birds can’t get enough of maggots. They are potty for the wriggly little things. I find them gross, but I am not a bird. Not even a bird-watcher.

In music news today I have spent most of the day wearing headphones, messing around with and generally engineering our recordings from yesterday. Also editing some video. It’s all big fun, but not as much fun as the final stage of the process – showing you guys and getting some feedback. That’s why I’m so looking forward to Saturday, when I release this new song of mine. Check out the preview if you haven’t already, and send it around to your friends. Only three days to go.

08/05/2012 – Tuesday – Sarah-Jane Adventure

Working in the studio (hi, I’m George Reece) can be an absolute nightmare. Sometimes everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Guitar strings break, voices get lost, things end up sounding a bit like U2… etc. etc. Today was nothing like that.

Sarah-Jane arrived on time, we listened to some stuff, decided it was mostly pretty lovely, tweaked a few bits here and there and then finished in time to go make videos. I’d say that’s a tick in the successful day box for all involved.

We got on the phone to the rest of the Tring sessions crew and said, “Hey guys, you remember that thing we did yesterday with Adam Peter Smith in a tunnel? Do you want to come and do it with Sarah-Jane Adlington under a bridge?” Then once we’d untangled the web of innuendo and vowed never to speak of it again we went off and filmed a couple of songs in one of those lovely parabolic brick bridges which reverberate as though you’re in a science-fiction movie. Look out for the results soon.

Now, I’m doing a bit of a publicity drive ahead of the release of my new song this weekend. I’d really love it if you would go off and ‘like’ my facebook page, and would love it even more perhaps if you would share the following video around with your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, cohorts, allies, chums, buddies, co-workers (which is the same as colleagues) and class-mates.

PO and much love.

07/05/2012 – Monday – Adam Peter Smith

Today was pretty totally cool. Real busy, but pretty totally cool nonetheless. Adam Peter Smith, our great friend from the Imogen competition in Nottingham, came down to grace us with a Tring Session. The weather was dreadful, but we found a dirty tunnel to shelter in which was so ugly it was beautiful. The resulting session is moody and musical and if you like acoustic guitar music it’s pretty much unmissable.

There’s another song from this session, but we’re keeping it back for a couple weeks just to tantalise you. Send us messages (george@imogenrecords.com) or leave comments on the YouTube if you like this one and maybe we’ll bring the other one forward. Hehehe (evil laugh).

So apart from that, we have a full studio tomorrow. I’m working on my friend Sarah-Jane Adlington’s album, and she’s coming in tomorrow to add some finishing touches. No doubt you’ll get a chance to hear that someday soon.

Finally a big shout-out to my main-home-slice, Zoe V-G. Stag is cool, and no motorbikes. That is all.