04/06/2012 – Monday – Call For Videos and Viscera Theatre Co.

Imogen Records is looking for talent. Take a look at this video if you don’t believe me:

Until the end of this month we’re inviting video submissions. We’re looking for audition videos in which you play one song (original or cover) live. We’ll go through all the submissions at the end of the month and if we like yours we’ll be in touch and you could be taking a big step towards your dreams. So please, make a video response if you are a solo artist or if you are in a band or group. We’re open to all styles – literally anything. Even if you’re not a musician yourself, please share the video round on your facebook or whatever (here’s the url – [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT7TM_eKZVc]). We want as many submissions as possible, and a friend of a friend might really appreciate the opportunity. You never know!

Next, let me tell you what I’ve been up to this evening. If I said I’d spent two hours in a dark damp tunnel under a train line during which time a man threw some orange peel at me and another man tied up a girl he’d only just met with a skipping rope, you’d probably think you were pretty glad you weren’t there. But you can unclench and take your finger off the panic alarm. A friend of mine, Alys Metcalf, runs a theatre company, Viscera Theatre Co., which celebrated the opening night of its inaugural production tonight, a collection of five short original plays performed in the Old Vic Tunnels under Waterloo Station.

In all honesty, and with the greatest of respect to my old pal, I was expecting to leave the production unmentioned in this blog. It’s such a huge thing she and her partner Roxy Dunn have undertaken – starting a theatre company straight out of drama school and in this economic climate – and even though I know how talented, hard-working and capable Alys is I can’t honestly say I was confident that it would be good. I was half-expecting to have to invoke the ‘if you can’t say anything nice’ rule if I am to be truly candid.

Turns out it was brilliant though, and I am an idiot for worrying. The writing was strong, the performances from a diverse and energised cast ranged from very good to truly outstanding and the staging was both efficient and effective. It was an excellent, highly polished production from a company who frankly could have been forgiven for putting on something half as good. I strongly urge you to take your opportunity to see it if you’re in London this week – the show runs until Friday. It’s an extremely unusual night out and a rare chance to see theatre of a genuinely high standard. Here’s some links and things:





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About Imogen Records

I am a professional musician based in Bournemouth.

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